International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Heat and Mass Transfer (MECHANICA 2025)

Athens, Greece, December 21-23, 2025.

Upload your paper

MECHANICA 2025 aims to bring together researchers and scientists from academia, industry, and government laboratories to present new results and identify future research directions in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Heat and Mass Transfer and Materials.

Accepted and Presented papers will appear in our Proceedings published by AIP or in a Springer Verlag Volume
Computational Problems in Science and Engineering III
Editors: Nikos E. Mastorakis, Imre J. Rudas, Yuriy S. Shmaliy
See our previous volume

Lectures are uploaded to our Youtube channel after authorization from the speakers.
See here

Extended Versions will be sent to the following journals indexed in the
Web of Science (ISI, SCIE), Scopus, EI Compendex,

Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing
No additional fees for the Journal Publication
This Journal is indexed in ISI (Web of Science), EI Compendex, Scopus, DBLP, ACM etc

International Journal of Dynamics and Control
No additional fees for the Journal Publication
This Journal is indexed in ISI (Web of Science), EI Compendex, Scopus, DBLP, ACM etc

Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
No additional fees for the Journal Publication
This Journal is indexed in ISI (Web of Science), EI Compendex, Scopus, DBLP, ACM etc

International Journal of Applied Nonlinear Science
No additional fees for the Journal Publication.
This Journal is indexed in ESCI, Zentralblatt etc and in these Special Issues of MDPI

MDPI Symmetry

MDPI Sustainability


Conference Venue

The Golden Age Hotel of Athens
57 Michalakopoulou Street, 115 28 Athens Greece
Tel: +302107240861


Wrong Format will cause considerable delay in the publication of your own paper.


Deadline for Paper Submission: December 15, 2025.
Registration Due: December 21, 2025.

Cosponsored by

Organizing and Steering Committee

Prof. Ivan Kazachkov

Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University, Ukraine

Prof. Nikos Mastorakis

Technical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria

Prof. Myriam Lazard

Institut Superieur d'Ingenierie de la Conception 27 rue d'Hellieule, 88100 Saint Die, France

Prof. Artur Bartosik

Faculty of Management and Computer Modelling Kielce University of Technology Al. Tysiaclecia P.P. 7, 25-314 Kielce Poland

Lecturer Dr. Ioannis Doltsinis

University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany


Paid registrants who cannot attend and do not send a substitute will attend all the lectures of the conference remotely via our online platform. Registrants are liable for their full fees after their payment (i.e., NO refund will be made even if they decide to cancel). There will be no refunds to participants after the payment if they decide to cancel.


1) During the event, there will be photography, filming and live streaming. It is possible that the material (photos, videos) taken may be used by the organizers for communication purposes. By submitting the registration form and/or participating in the conference and parallel events, you consent to the use of the audiovisual material produced for the purpose of informing the public and disseminating the results of the conference.

2) We do not allow the participants to distribute leaflets or brochures of other conferences or Journals or to promote them via their lecture without the written permission of the organizers.


  • Papers' withdrawals are not allowed after October 1, 2025.

  • The MECHANICA 2025 is a face-to-face (in person) conference.

  • Review Process

    All submitted papers will undergo a peer review process coordinated by the General Chairmen and one Associate Editor. Authors are notified of acceptance when the Conference receives the comments and the recommendation of at least 3 qualified reviewers. Reviewers cannot come from the same country with the authors and cannot have previous collaboration with the authors of the papers.

    So, the Conference sends each paper to 3-5 independent reviewers, experts in the area of the paper.
    So, each paper will be evaluated, at least, by three independent experts according to the following Criteria

    1) Relevance to the Conference Topics
    2) Scientific - Technical Originality, Potential Impact and Interest for the audience
    3) Scientific/Technical Content and Advances beyond The State-Of-The-Art
    4) Quality of the Presentation, clarity of the Content
    5) Comments for the authors

    The reviewers are going to indicate their familiarity with the paper's subject, evaluate the paper along the aforementioned criteria. Finally, the Editor-in-Chief or a Member of the Editorial Board will decide whether a paper will be accepted or not. Our Score System will classify the papers as follows:
    * Publish as it is
    * Consider after Minor Changes
    * Consider after Major Changes
    * Reject

    If the Editor recommends "Publish as it is", then the manuscript will undergo a final check by the conference's editorial office in order to ensure that the manuscript and its review process adhere to the conference's guidelines and policies. Once this is done, the authors will be notified of the manuscript's acceptance, and the manuscript will appear in the Articles in Press section of the conference's website.
    If the Editor recommends "Consider after Minor Changes," the authors are notified to prepare and submit a final copy of their manuscript with the required minor changes suggested by the reviewers. The Editor reviews the revised manuscript after the minor changes have been made by the authors. Once the Editor is satisfied with the final manuscript, the manuscript can be accepted.
    If the Editor recommends "Consider after Major Changes," the recommendation is communicated to the authors. The authors are expected to revise their manuscripts in accordance with the changes recommended by the reviewers and to submit their revised manuscript in a timely manner. Once the revised manuscript is submitted, the Editor can then make an editorial recommendation which can be "Publish Unaltered", "Consider after Minor Changes", "Reject."
    If the Editor recommends rejecting the manuscript, the rejection is immediate. Also, if the majority of the reviewers recommend rejecting the manuscript, the rejection is immediate.

  • Is this paper appropriate for the conference?
    Does the paper present original and novel research results in Computational and Applied Mathematics & Computer Science ?
    Is the paper significant and convincing for the Computational and Applied Mathematics & Computer Science ?
    Does the title adequately represent the content of the paper?
    Does the paper bribng novel research results on numerical, computational, applied mathematics along with modern simulation and modelling techniques, computational methods Computer Science?
    Is the referencing appropriate?
    Is the presentation high quality?
    Do the methods, data, and analysis support the conclusions?
    Is the paper clearly and concisely written?
    Are the interpretations and conclusions supported by the evidence presented?
    Are all parts of the text, references, graphics and tables necessary for the new results and main points to be understood?
    Are the conclusions and potential impacts of the paper clear?
    Are the graphics and tables clear and their captions self-explanatory?


Conference Venue

The Golden Age Hotel of Athens, 57 Michalakopoulou Street, 115 28 Athens Greece


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